About LFA
The Lake Forest Association (LFA) of Chapel Hill, NC owns and manages:
  • Eastwood Lake
  • Eastwood Park at the end of South Lakeshore Drive
  • Eastwood lake dam, adjacent to the park
  • The shoreline property bordering the lake, as defined by county deeds
  • The land and forebay at the southwest end of the lake

The LFA and its land are solely for the enjoyment of its members. The LFA is a non-profit corporation, funded by its members through dues and assessments and run by volunteers in the neighborhood.

Who We Are:

The membership of the LFA is established by ownership of specific properties which were part of the original tracts developed as Lake Forest Estates.  This membership is irrevocable, and tied to the property.  But participation in the LFA and access to the park and lake are dependent on payment of dues (see Dues below).

We also have an Associate Membership program which provides limited access to the lake and park to a limited number of homeowners near the park.

What We Do:

The membership of the LFA is involved in many activities.

  • We run a staffed summer recreation program at the park.
  • Various social functions are enjoyed each year.
  • Our Newcomer’s committee attempts to welcome every new family moving into the neighborhood (if we missed you, please let us know).
  • The lake’s water is tested several times a year to make sure it is safe for swimming.
  • Our fishery and wildlife must be managed.
  • The dam requires occasional inspections and maintenance.
  • Monitor sedimentation rates from Booker Creek and Cedar Forks Creek, which feed into the lake.
  • Several mailings must be produced and mailed each year.
  • At least one general membership meeting is held each fall.

Lake management is a big job. Upstream development has made it necessary to drain and dredge the lake several times over the years. The last dredging effort in 2001 cost over one million dollars. The lake is in better shape than ever, but our work is not done.

Communication is vital to a healthy association and neighborhood.  A lot of information is available on this website.  The LFA also sends emails to members registered for the website.  The LFA sends out a least two mailings each year.  Invoices and statements are mailed in late winter or early spring.  Those paying their annual dues are subsequently sent via email the lock combination for the LFA park gate.  In addition, all members are invited to the annual membership meeting, usually held in November.

Because of the costs of owning and managing a lake, each member is assessed annual dues. Less than half of this money goes toward the annual operating costs of the organization. The rest is saved for future lake management expenses, such as dredging and dam maintenance. These costs are inevitable and expensive, so raising this money is imperative. For information regarding Dues and Initiation, click here.

Lake Forest Association Information Booklet:
The Lake Forest Association Information Booklet has a lot of facts about Lake Forest and color photos.



*It may be helpful to pull up the home on Town of Chapel Hill Interactive Map and compare to the LFA Membership Areas Map. 
Realtor, Sellers, and Potential buyers: View the LFA Disclosure Statement to Realtors, Sellers, And Potential Buyers for important information.